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We invite you to become a member of our community by making a tax-deductible donation of any amount.

A donation of any amount is welcome. Please consider contributing $60 which helps us meet our basic operating expenses.

PAY ONLINE WITH PAYPAL OR A CREDIT CARD. Simply click on the DONATE button above, enter the amount and select whether you wish to use your PayPal account or a credit card.

You can now choose to make recurring payments - donate a little each month to continue your support throughout the year!

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Please note that by contributing, you are automatically added to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.


You quietly know the truth of life, that all good is yours; that the universe contains all good, that there is an abundance free from conflict. 

Pathwork Guide Lecture #144 The Process and Significance of Growing 

Download any of the Pathwork lectures for free from the Pathwork Foundation. 

Meet our Board